Monday, December 23, 2019
“the Steady Uprising of Advertisement†- 1230 Words
â€Å"The Steady Uprising of Advertisement†In today’s society there are a plethora of ideas about advertisement. What would it take to meet societies want’s with the increase in advertising of new technology? In regards to four articles: â€Å"What’s Changed†by , Jane Hammerslough, â€Å"Urban Warfare†by, Kate MacArthur amp; Hilary Chura, â€Å"The Age of Reason†by, Kenneth Hein, â€Å"The Buzz on Buzz†by, Renee Dye. These four authors describe the many different angles that can be approached by advertisement. They have also shown some great aspects of the new uprising development of advertising technology in modern American society. In Jane Hammerslough’s article, â€Å"What’s Changed†, from Next Text Making Connections Across and Beyond the Discipline’s,†¦show more content†¦According to Hein, Music is a major influence in marketing today, â€Å" There have been 1,050 references of about 66 different brands in songs ranked in the top 20 through the beginning of October, according to San Francisco- based brand consultancy LucJam†(Hein 346). Keeping up with the techniques of advertisement for marketers will help with the increasing demands of future generations. In addition, â€Å"The Buzz on Buzz†explains about what’s being said and repeated through the marketing of a product, for instance using the consumers and their â€Å"word-of-mouth†promotions. Dye mentions there are a few myths that are encountered when using this sort of promotion such as, â€Å"Only outrageous or edgy products are buzz worthy, Buzz just happens, The best buzz starters are your best customers, To profit from buzz, you must act first and fast, and The media and advertising are needed to create buzz†. According to Dye these are in fact just myths, she proceeds to explain that â€Å"Buzz†just doesn’t happen, it is carefully planned, that’s the most important part about having a strong marketing campaign. The â€Å"Buzz†is not started by the customers its started by the marketing process. In the article, Dye uses the product Hard Candy as an example of how the marketing process can create mass appeal. Hard Ca ndy was a homemade product that a woman had made inShow MoreRelatedFashion Channel1463 Words  | 6 PagesTHE FASHION CHANNEL The Fashion Channel is an unique leading cable TV network specialized in only fashion programming with broadcasting 24 hours a day and 7 days per week.The channel has a steady uprising revenue background and profitable high growth above the its’ industry average from the establishment in 1996 by two men who has an entrepreneurial spirit. TFC(The Fashion Channel) has a huge revenue amount of 310.6 million in 2006 with 80 million household viewer who has subscribed to theirRead MoreA Report On How 2 Businesses1948 Words  | 8 Pagesideas and information instantly, without barriers.’ From this statement, it can be assumed that one of Twitter’s main purposes is as a platform for free speech. This has proven to be correct, with twitter becoming a platform for individuals to start uprisings and revolutions, as well as to criticise those in power. 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Population growth and the expansion of human and physical capital infrastructures in developing markets will drive economic prosperity. Experts predict that, despite steady increases in oil prices, the proliferation of economic prosperity and sustained growth in demand for oil in the United States will boost demand across the world. Amplified demand combined with unexpected shocks to the world’s supply of oil has theRead MoreMarketing and E-commerce Business65852 Words  | 264 Pagestechnologies permit personalization: merchants can target their marketing messages to specific individuals by adjusting the message to a person’s name, interests, and past purchases. Today this is achieved in a few milliseconds and followed by an advertisement based on the consumer’s profile. The technology also permits information density the total amount and quality of information available to all market participants personalization the targeting of marketing messages to specific individualsRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words  | 656 Pagesthree-quarters of international migration today flows to economically developed countries or regions in possession of excess wealth, such as the oil kingdoms. With the exception of the oil kingdoms, these are all places with populations that are steady or declining in proportion to world population, WORLD MIGRATION IN THE LONG TWENTIETH CENTURY †¢ 37 although much of the growth the Persian Gulf states is the result of immigrants outnumbering natives and it remains to be seen if this
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Slavery in the United States Free Essays
The problem of slavery in the territories created tensions that contributed to the breakup of the Union in 1860-61. The main explanation for the origins of the American Civil War is slavery, especially when it came to Southern anger. The Southern anger was based on the Northern attempts to avoid further slave expansion, which lead to numerous acts, and essentially caused the war against Mexico. We will write a custom essay sample on Slavery in the United States or any similar topic only for you Order Now The United States was a nation divided into two different regions separated by the Mason-Dixon Line. New England, the Northeast and the Midwest had a rapidly-growing economy based on family farms, industry, mining, commerce and transportation, with a large and rapidly growing urban population and no slavery north of the border-states. Its growth was fed by a high birth rate and large numbers of European immigrants, especially Irish, British and German. The South was dominated by a settled plantation system based on slavery. There was some rapid growth taking place in the Southwest, (i. e. Texas), based on high birth rates and high migration from the Southeast, but it had a much lower immigration rate from Europe. The South also had fewer large cities, and little manufacturing except in border areas (which were very influenced by the Northern region). Slave owners controlled politics and economics, though two-thirds of Southern whites owned no slaves and usually were engaged in subsistence agriculture The economic and social differences between the North and the South were two main f actors that caused tensions that contributed to the breakup of the Union. As stated earlier the South was dominated by a settled plantation system based on slavery. Unlike the North in which slavery was frown upon. The North? s economy was based in small farms, and industrial labor in the urban populated cities. As for the North that socially was shaped by European immigration, the South was very much isolated. The North was progressing as labor united various kinds of cultures achieving a society that sustain in each other, unlike the South who solely depended on the Slaves, even though most farms did not contain slaves the Southern society was moved by the richest plantation owners (which did solely depend on slavery). Some other factors that lead to tension leading to the separation of the Union are; States versus federal rights, the fight between Slave and Non-Slave State Proponents, Growth of the Abolition Movement, and finally the election of Abraham Lincoln. How to cite Slavery in the United States, Essay examples
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Diploma of Counseling for Behavior Management -myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theDiploma of Counseling for Behavior Management. Answer: Complete the following analysis charts to show the context of the work that is accrued out. Strengths Weaknesses The organization has an association of more than 80 youth friendly drop in institutes across the nation and has been regarded as a flagship program championed by consecutive federal administrations in order to address the increasing rates of mental disorders as well as suicide of the young generation (Rickwood et al.2014). It newly introduced website is regarded as the first part of call for the individuals who intend to seek information about the mental disorders as well as services within the nation. According to the investigation of the University of New South Wales, the organization comprises a small program impact, whereby the outcomes are marginally in better condition than the youths who are being deprived of certain medication or being treated in private spheres. However, certain reports have revealed very time-consuming improvements in the health development of its clients. Opportunities Threats The youth friendly organization indulges to engage all the corporate associates in lengthy, strategic as well as mutually beneficial associations (Rickwood et al.2015). With the collaboration of certain esteemed partners, the organization exert a pull on resources and ideas in order to pave way for unique and vital initiatives that act as directly beneficial to the youth of Australia and its neighbouring regions. The Social Engagement and Emotional Development (SEED) which is the worlds leading specialists on the health development of children aims for global action in order to address certain challenging factors along with the improve aid for adolescents (Dowling 2014). Political Economic The Australian Government of Health that belongs to the Youth Mental Health Initiative (Rickwood et al.2014) funds the organization. The Australian government has aided an association of researchers to conduct the second round of assessment of the headspace program that has been followed by a competitive tender procedure in the year 2012. Being a publicly aided service organization the organization intends in a considerate proficient manner by the principles of the wider range of health domain. The organization has been primarily aided by the Australian Health Department . Social Technological The peak age of target population of Headspace is from 15-17 years whereby, the males are predominated in the younger population of 12-14 years while the older target group caters from 21-25 years of age (Rickwood et al.2015). A specific portion of the target group can be identified as the Aboriginals with the others reported to belong from the regions outside Australia. However, a majority of its clients live in major cities, while few belonging from inner regional regions and some from remote areas of the country. Several technology-based medications and treatment provide opportunities in order to enhance interpersonal treatment benefits for the ones who intend to seek and further remain associated in the process of treatment. Standard alone online approaches have been found to generate medication benefits of comparable impact sizes to interpersonal therapy for individuals suffering from mental illness. Research the official communication channels of your chosen organisation (or other agency) and discuss at least one provision it has in place to address the following: Special communication needs of personnel (such as those with disabilities such as deaf individuals) nforming employees of the organisation processes and hierarchy Protocols and etiquette for communication (such as when to and when not to use a certain method like email) Communication barriers, restraints or difficulties (such as cross-cultural communication) e) Ensuring proper use of official communication channels (list some of them) A) Written communication- Headspace staff can help its employees with communication impairment with reading documented forms. Digital versions of print materials can be referred as highly accessible while dealing with individualities with hearing disabilities. Computer aided real time transcription services also known as CART services facilitates communication and effective interaction over a live online video connection (Coughlan et al. 2013). This communication channel can be used during the absence of any sign language interpreter. B) Face-to-face communication channel can be referred as an effective tool in order to make the employers aware of the varied organizational hierarchies. Such a type of channel can have detailed information richness as both the receivers as well as the senders are able to view and hear beyond the words, which have been used (Burns and Birrell 2014). Interpersonal communication assist in understanding the body language of the sender further hear the voice. C) Formal written documents can be considered as another form of communication channel, which would assist the employees of Headspace, aware of the etiquettes, cultural values and certain code of behaviour of the organization (Rickwood et al.2015). This would include legal document as well as budget spreadsheet to make the communication process more rigid and standardized. D) Establishing a successful diversified team in the organization can facilitate in curbing the cross-cultural barriers. Effective communication with diversified individuals brings broader range of ideas and views which has been essential to an organizations success (Montague et al. 2014). With teams becoming extremely global, diversity can assist a company or team to identify its position as well as its surroundings. E) Face to face, meetings can control perceptive subjects and further enable to check the understanding of the employees. Print-based material- This form of communication channel offers a clear format to every employee of the organization in order to prevent any miscommunication within the organization. Digital communication- It is referred as the effortless and cost effective procedure to communicate with the staff of the organization. Research and explain the process of crisis communication planning in the community services sector. In your answer, you should provide at least 3 examples of situations in your chosen organisation that could be deemed at crisis point. Clear form of communication- Mental health illness can adapt any forms namely self-destruction, panic attacks as well as suicidal ideation. In such a case, communication can be regarded as an essential key in order to curb the crisis. Transparent communication will facilitate its clients to feel understood as well as make them aware of their worth (Jorm 2015). Headspace must implement active listening procedures such as reflecting thoughts and feelings along with summarization of thoughts in order to assist them to feel validated (Rosenbaum et al.2016). In these situations, the ones suffering from suicidal prone disorders can share their story and the complexities they are facing in their lives. In various situations, a detailed conversation with patients would result in effective outcomes. Anticipate Crisis Scenarios- The organization must be proactive and organize communication teams in order to function during extensive hectic sessions during potential emergencies that could take place within the organization. Various scenarios might occur when individuals suffering from certain mental illnesses experience bully and other social as well as physical assault. Headspace must establish teams, which would effectively work on assisting such clients (Hickie, Scott and McGorry 2013). These procedures of evaluation facilitate in establishing a Crisis Response Plan that is considered as an appropriate approach for the organization. It further involves operational as well as communication elements. Identification of Crisis Communication Team- A small set of officials of comprising of senior must be identified in order to provide services to the Crisis Communication Team of Headspace. The companys CEO will be leading the team along with the organizations top public relation officials as well as legal counsel (Montague et al. 2014). Other members of the team are employed as the chiefs of the organizational structure of Headspace, whereby several scenarios rises to the level of being an emergency that might affect the entire functioning of the organization (Jorm 2015). However, it must be noted that teams also require incorporating employees possessing skills and knowledge related to the current crisis further known as subject specific experts. Research one key network that exists between your organisation and anther agency in the community services sector. Explain the key purpose(s) of this network and how it helps the organisation to achieve its goals. Headspace however has been experiencing increasing pressure in order to collaborate and further provide services at the regional strata with fewer income and resources. The staffs has been performing with the young population in order to cooperate non government organization employees working with the youths who are experiencing complexities related to mental illness and disorders (Dowling 2014). The organization has gained the potentiality to provide constructive contribution to the community with effective assistance, guidance, knowledge and enthusiasm. Headspace has eventually become one of the organizations whereby people work with a passion and desire to reduce the distress, complexities of the individuals suffering from certain impairments (Rickwood et al.2015). The fundamental association to the community sector permits them to resolve issues that the administrative bodies are unable to address. The amalgamation with the governmental services is considered as one of the primar y achievement to the services of Headspace (Hickie, Scott and McGorry 2013). In absence of communitarian intervention and support, the association with its partners, clients as well as stakeholders the successive growth of Headspace would not have been possible. References Burns, J. and Birrell, E., 2014. Enhancing early engagement with mental health services by young people.Psychology research and behavior management,7, p.303. Coughlan, H., Cannon, M., Shiers, D., Power, P., Barry, C., Bates, T., Birchwood, M., Buckley, S., Chambers, D., Davidson, S. and Duffy, M., 2013. Towards a new paradigm of care: the International Declaration on Youth Mental Health.Early intervention in psychiatry,7(2), pp.103-108. Dowling, M., 2014.Young children's personal, social and emotional development. Sage. Montague, A.E., Varcin, K.J., Simmons, M.B. and Parker, A.G., 2015. Putting technology into youth mental health practice: young peoples perspectives.SAGE Open,5(2), p.2158244015581019. Rickwood, D.J., Mazzer, K.R. and Telford, N.R., 2015. Social influences on seeking help from mental health services, in-person and online, during adolescence and young adulthood.BMC psychiatry,15(1), p.40. Rickwood, D.J., Telford, N.R., Mazzer, K.R., Parker, A.G., Tanti, C.J. and McGorry, P.D., 2015. The services provided to young people through the headspace centres across Australia.The Medical Journal of Australia,202(10), pp.533-536. Rickwood, D.J., Telford, N.R., Parker, A.G., Tanti, C.J. and McGorry, P.D., 2014. HeadspaceAustralias innovation in youth mental health: who are the clients and why are they presenting.Med J Aust,200(2), pp.108-11. Jorm, A.F., 2015. How effective are" headspace'youth mental health services?. Hickie, I.B., Scott, J. and McGorry, P.D., 2013. Editorials.The Medical Journal of Australia,198(9), pp.461-462. Rosenbaum, S., Tiedemann, A., Stanton, R., Parker, A., Waterreus, A., Curtis, J. and Ward, P.B., 2016. Implementing evidence-based physical activity interventions for people with mental illness: an Australian perspective.Australasian Psychiatry,24(1), pp.49-54.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
The sacrament of marriage Essay Example Essay Example
The sacrament of marriage Essay Example Paper The sacrament of marriage Essay Introduction The Roman Catholic Church has a very specific interpretation of marriage and how it should be accepted. Marriage is one of the sacraments. It is one of the ceremonies that the Roman Catholic Church expects a devoted catholic to go through. It is believed to bring you one step closer to God. Marriage is also a covenant, a promise to one another. It is an eternal agreement between two people to allocate themselves to each other.The Catholic Church believes that the relationship between two people should be like the creation story. Adam and Eve are model parents and set an example to all couples. God wants all Catholics to have a bond between each other shown in the creation story.Jesus had a different view to the Old Testament which was that â€Å"two people become one†once they unite. Jesus said â€Å"No human being must separate what God has joined together†, meaning that it is not our job to choose to separate. Jesus was completely against the idea of divorce.The Pope has a similar opinion to Jesus that â€Å"a man and a woman pledge themselves to one another in an unbreakable alliance†meaning that a marriage is unbreakable and that they are choosing to enter an alliance, a life long commitment.Hosea emphasised that marriage was a symbol of Gods covenantal love.He said â€Å"show your love for a woman who is committing adultery with a lover†. He is trying to say that we should be able to forgive if we have sinned against one another. The love between two people should help their marriage survive through a crisis.The Catholic Church believes it is unacceptable for two people to divorce as this is emphasised in the New Testament although it does conflict with Moses’ teachings who said that divorce was acceptable. Although a marriage can be annulled if it is proven that it was never real or happened for the wrong reasons.One of the main views of the Catholic Church is that marriage is there for two people to become one. There is a special union that a couple shares in a marriage, sexual intercourse is a sign of this union where two become one. If both partners choose to separate they are still joined after becoming one and God lets no one divide. In a marriage sex is seen as a proper expression of the love of a man and a woman only within marriage. They are able to have children with the encouragement of the church. The churches teachings explain that the sex and the possibility of having a child should not be separated. The church teaches that marriage is the only appropriate relationship, within which sexual intercourse should take place.In a marriage ceremony, two people make a commitment which is done by the marital vows. These vows include what their duties are and what they are expected to do as husband/wife. â€Å"For richer for poorer†is one of the vows meaning that they must stand by each other if they are experiencing any financial difficulties. â€Å"In sickness and in health†m eaning that if one partner unfortunately is sick, the other must support them and continue their marriage. There are many other vows which explain their responsibilities.The Catechism is a book on moral issues which explains the Catholic Churches views on society. One of the categories that are highlighted in the catechism is that â€Å"adultery, divorce, polygamy and free union†are all offences against the dignity of marriage. â€Å"Masturbation . pornography and homosexual practices†are also considered to be sins. The Catholic Church is strongly against any one that does not follow the creation, the uniting of a man and woman.Polygamy is another category that the church does not approve of where some one is married to more than one person. This is explained in 1 kings11: 3 that Solomon had â€Å"married 700 princesses and also had 300 concubines.†Solomon had disobeyed Gods laws and was lead astray by these women.The Catholic Church basically believes that w hen two people are married they have made a promise and are united. They are able to have sexual intercourse and then be able to have a child. People are expected to keep their vows and accept the moral issues mentioned in the catechism.AO2: Explain how in the course of their marriage the couple would apply these beliefs and highlight specific instances where Christian belief makes a real difference to a healthy marriage, you may include a variety of Christian responses to the beliefs andProblems that arise in marriage (598 words)Many marriages are successful and do not experience any serious problems whereas there are many marriages which do experience serious problems. These problems can be related to their vows or other social problems. Many things can be done to help save a marriage during a crisis with help from the church or groups.When a marriage is going through problems they can often reflect on the vows by keeping them. These marital vows can help resolve problems. â€Å" For richer for poorer†is one of the vows that we are expected to follow. Marriages can run through financial difficulties which can lead to problems. One partner may feel they are unable to live with the other if they are not being supported financially. Marriages running through these difficulties are expected to love each other even if they are experiencing financial problems.Another vow that is expected to help resolve problems is â€Å"in sickness and in health†. This vow means that if either partner is having health problems, the other should support them. Many marriages can break down as one partner may feel they are unable to love and care for them. Using this vow they should be able to continue loving each other and enable them to resolve the problem by making time to care for the person. Two people in a marriage are expected to be together till â€Å"death do us apart†. People can reflect on this vow and help them want to continue the marriage and love each other until either partner dies.A marriage can experience many problems and pressures in society. Marriages can break down for many reasons. Some times there could abuse in the marriage leading the victim to feel the only way out it is to separate. A large percentage of marriages fall out due to one partner committing adultery and the other may feel they cannot forgive. In these situations divorce can be inevitable. A couple may have an annulment if they prove that the marriage was either rushed or one was forced or it happened for the wrong reasons. Once a marriage has been annulled it has the advantage of completely being eradicated from the churches records and are able to re-marry in a catholic church.When a couple is experiencing problems they can get help from the church where there are certain groups organised for marriage problems. They can all receive help from counselling groups such as â€Å"Marriage†and â€Å"Relate†.A couple may feel that they must s tay together no matter what due to certain reasons. If children are involved the couple may feel that they have to stay together for them and to prevent the family from breaking up. A couple may stay together for religious reasons. They may be religious and determined to keep the marriage together to obey the Roman Catholic views. After having marital problems it could make a relationship much stronger between two people.In an R.E video, â€Å"R.E collection†, I learnt about couples who have truly kept the vow â€Å"in sickness and in health†. Anita and Glenn were together for five months and then married for 6 months. Unfortunately Glenn suffered in an accident and became disabled. Anita was enable to care for him and had to look after her child. She did not divorce Glenn and visits him very often feeling that her marriage is still very alive and true even though she is no longer able to have a sexual relationship with him. This is an example of a true Christian who c ontinues to love her husband â€Å"in sickness and in health†.AO3: Life long marriage is too much for Christians to live up today. The church should be willing to drop this vow. Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer showing that you have thought about more then one point of view. (462 words)I disagree with this statement and that this vow should not be dropped. I think people need someone they can rely on and be able to share the rest of their life with as this is essential in a fast changing world. They can have a future together that they can look forward to. When getting married a couple speak out their vows. The vow â€Å"death do us part†should not be broken as the Roman Catholic Church says. Jesus wanted marriage to be permanent just like his love for the church, which is permanent. He made it clear that he did not like the idea of divorce. A couple should not be parted until one has died.Getting married is necessary to show the couple is ready to make a co mmitment to each other. A couple needs this security, this commitment to show the eternal unity between two people. Marriage can enable a couple to have stability therefore a couple are able to provide a loving home for children. It gives the couple and children security. If the couple have a strong lasting relationship it can prevent adultery. A couple’s relationship can grow and their love deepens.Jesus made it clear that when two people are joined it is not up to us to decide to separate. Having a divorce is a direct violation to the vows and Jesus’ teachings. He wanted us to work through what ever problems or difficulties we have in relationships which could help make a couple stronger.How ever in many situations it could help if this vow were to be dropped. Couples might be having serious problems such as physical abuse. If there is abuse in the relationship it may be extremely difficult to get through and divorce could be inevitable. Some relationships could be e xperiencing insoluble money problems. They could be in debt and the relationship is just not progressing. There could be serious sexual problems in the relationship. One partner may desperately want a child whereas the other may not or one partner may be unable to have children. Either way it could cause serious problems leading to divorce.Sometimes relationships have no trust where one partner maybe committing adultery or one partner may not be able to trust the other leaving a very weak relationship as trust is essential in a marriage.Many people feel the love between two people dies out after a while making it impossible for them to be able to make an honest commitment. As people seem to be living longer we are expected to love our partner for a long time – the rest of our lives, which can be difficult, and divorce maybe necessary. If children are involved, divorce can have a big impact on their lives. The sacrament of marriage Essay Thank you for reading this Sample!
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
International Human Resource Management Essays - Business
International Human Resource Management Essays - Business EXECUTIVE SUMMARY International Human Resource Management (IHRM) is a method of selection,acllotication and utilizing of human Resourses in an international context. This report focuses on IHRM practices and the issues MURDOCH University faces in its IHRM strategies. The management of Global workforce policies and practices. Recruitment and Selection, training and perfomance management and renumeration process of Murdoch. MURDOCH University is regarded as a leading Australian and Global university. For it to be sucessful, the university focuses on attacting, retaining, and patronizing the eductaional staff that are dedicated to bring quality students some experiences and best learning output. The university introduced recognizing, and rewarding current staff for exceptional assistance in learning, training and research. It also follows a major IHRM strategy for managing its Global staff members. INTRODUCTION Human Resource Management (HRM) is the process of hiring, managing, and providing direction of the candidates that work in an organisation. HRM is vital in an organisation activity that focuses on factors in relation to the staff such as Hiring, compesatition, organisation development, perfomance management, wellness, safety, benefits, compesation, company development, staff motivation, comapny development , training, administaration, and communication. HRM is also called a comprehensive and strategic approach to mange and work force and enviroment of the workplace.It enalbles the staff to perform efficiently and effectivily to expand production and achieve the companies goal. the most important parts of HRM is IHRM which involves selction, allocating, and utilizing human resources in an international percespective. It includes activities that allows the organizations to manage staff at global level to achive objectives and performing HRM activities internationally. The process of IHRM can be simplifies if MNC(Multinational Corporations) traded thier products in few countries and few offices in foreign countries. Current Business operations push orgainisations to spread their activities globally to as many countries as possible thus IHRM is needed for that. An organisation has to build intergration among HR policies and practices to its subsidiary firms in various countries so to achive it so objectives and aims. Also to incorporate significant levels of flexibility on IHRM Strategy as employees from diffrent counries are supported by various cultures and social values and language. Flexibility has and abundance influence on perfomance on employees(Richman et al. May 2008). Forces of international and demand of the organisation to develop and implement a valid strong international strategy, IHRM is becoming a pre-requiste to the sucess of the organisation. IHRM management face difficulties to decide whether a company should start its HR policies and pratices on the local context( Lloyd & Hartel, 2004) Effective HRM system is important to focus on aliegnment with perfomance management systems of the companies. Example include the criteria used for perfomance management is to be implemeneted for staffing, hiring, and training. This shows a strong message of what is expected by the company from its staff (Pulakos, 2004) The survivalof the organisation on this high competive market, it is complusory to develop a cabable and effctive workforce. It is hard to find qalified international candidates, so it is imperative that companies achive their goals for staff development and control and co-ordination of employees, so to transfer knowledge by taking effective staff policies which inlude Ethnocentric Practices and Policies. Policies may be based on the view that the first choices for international or parent country positions are the parent country nationals. The 2nd choice can be based on Geocentric Policy that makes sure that qualified staff for the position is selected regardless of their country of origin. Emphasizing on the movement to overseas locations from parent company location is considered to be an important strategy for staffing and workforce development in a international position. Organisations that follow a Geocentric Staffing Policy focusses on recruiting candidates irrespective of nationality many include 3rd country nationals rather than subsidiary and the organisations parent country( Reiche & Harzing, December 2009) FACTORS TO CONSIDER WHEN SETTING UP BUSINESS OPERATION IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES INTERNATIOAL TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT Various types of training is needed such as orientation, language intruction, cultural training for staff of MNCs. Experiates face difficulties in social and cultural barries in host countries. E.G in Japan eben with suffiecient medical care, foreign workers and thier families are worried about Japanese doctors may reveal little to patients medical assistance. CULTURE SHOCK This
Friday, November 22, 2019
Benito Mussolini And Adolf Hitler
Benito Mussolini And Adolf Hitler Throughout history, many leaders have impacted their countries and the world around them. Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini are two brutal yet significant leaders who came to power in their nations during a time of inflation, depression, and devastation. They both gained their power similarly and improved their country’s conditions after the devastation of World War I. During their rule they ruined many people’s lives and negatively impacted other countries. Hitler and Mussolini benefited their county’s economy. These leaders used totalitarian regimes as a way to gain order and control. Despite their many similarities, they also have many differences such as their very different principles. Hitler’s principle was based on the racial superiority of the Arian race. Mussolini empathized nationalism based on remembering Rome’s glory. Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini had many similarities and differences; however their role in history impacted their co untry and World War II both negatively and positively. There are many similarities between Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini. Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy were unhappy with the outcome of World War I. â€Å"Italians are showing great sympathy for the Hitler government in Germany. They consider the Treaty of Versailles cheated them of the fruit of victory (New York Times, 1933).†Germany and Italy had serious social and economic problems caused by the outcome of World War I. Hitler promised to end reparations, and create jobs through the creation of public works programs. It employed people by having them, build highways and housing. Mussolini promised a strong and stable government. Hitler and Mussolini had a totalitarian style in which they ruled their countries. A totalitarian government is regulated with only one leader that makes all the decisions for the entire country and regulates every aspect of a citizen’s life. Hitler and Mussolini both used this form of go vernment to help their counties Germany and Italy out of a deep economic depression after the devastation of World War I. Hitler and Mussolini became allies during the axis pact. They formed forces before gaining their power. Hitler formed the Nazi party. The Nazi Party stands for the Nationalists Socialist German workers party. The Nazi party supported violent racial nationalism and anti Semitism. Mussolini formed the black shirts. They chose violence over the democratic process. The black shirts used violence, censorship, and extreme propaganda. â€Å"Propaganda must not serve the truth, especially as it might bring out something favorable for the opponent (Hitler, 582).†Hitler explained that, â€Å"All propaganda must be popular and its intellectual level must be adjusted to the most limited intelligence among those it is addressed to. Consequently, the greater the mass it is intended to reach, the lower its purely intellectual level will have to be (Hitler, 583).†They both were anti- communist. Hitler and Mussolini used terror and force to gain more power. â€Å"The one means that wins the easiest victory over reason: terror and force (Hitler, 600). They both had scapegoats. Hitler blamed the Jewish for everything, especially for the loss of World War I. Mussolini blamed anyone that went against him. They formed alliances with each other before the start of World War II. Hitler and Mussolini both were talented speakers helping them gain support of the people.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Vince Foster was Murdered Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Vince Foster was Murdered - Research Paper Example This paper explores the controversy of Foster’s death, of whether he was murdered or not. It also examines the investigations done by several institutions in deciphering the truth of Foster’s death. On Murder Burnett gives two major scenarios on the death of Foster: (1) murder sponsored by the Clintons; and (2) murder committed by a foreign secret service spy. First, the Clintons had ordered the killing, in a clandestine fashion, of Foster for the reason of stopping him to reveal â€Å"damaging information he held with respect to the Clintons†(Burnett 162). Before his death, it must be noted that the victim (i.e., Foster) was a deputy officer to the White House counsel under Bill Clinton’s administration. That is to say, the victim had direct and immediate accessed to the data or information pertaining to the activities of the Clintons -- activities that were associated to Travelgate and other alleged scandals. Moreover, the U.S. Congress had invited Fost er to testify concerning the scandals connected to the president in question. Thence, the Clintons deemed it fitting to murder Foster. Second, a foreign secret service murdered the said victim for the reason that Foster was â€Å"some kind of super-spy†(Burnett 162). ... Hamilton inquires concerning the motive of the Clintons as to why they had removed files, shortly after Foster’s death, from the â€Å"dead man’s office†(150). Such move -- what Glad calls the â€Å"handling of papers†(861) -- by the Clintons had generated many and various speculations about the death of Foster. It seemed that the powers-that-be had attempted to cover -- Grossman and Yalof have questioned the covering up made by the Clintons concerning Foster’s alleged suicide -- several data or information under the possession of their deputy officer in order to escape court trial and punishment. Further, Ruddy had raised three major â€Å"evidences†that showed the inconsistency and incompleteness of the findings based from official investigations pertaining to Foster’s death (qtd. in Moldea 158): First, there was no gunfire heard at the park during the time-period of the victim’s death. People or â€Å"witnesses†who were present in Fort Marcy Park were unable to hear any gunshot at the time of Foster’s alleged suicide. Second, the victim’s family had failed to identify the gun which was found in Foster’s hand. Upon seeing the gun in question, the victim’s wife was unable to determine whether or not the said weapon was Foster’s. Third, the official investigation did not consider â€Å"Foster’s time from 1 PM†up to the time that his body was found. Such official investigation seemed only to account the limited â€Å"time†from the period of Foster’s death. On Suicide Greenberg notes that there were five investigations done extensively from 1993 until 1997 which center on probing the death of Foster. In contrast to Robert Fiske’s, the investigation or probe headed by Kenneth Starr was
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Comfort Letter Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Comfort Letter - Case Study Example 1In the suit, Kleinwort Benson, or KB for brevity, proposed to extend a loan to MMC Metals Ltd or Metals for short, which is a subsidiary of Malaysia Mining Corporation (or Malaysia Ming). In the process of the lending proposal, KB requested from Malaysia Mining a letter to the effect that the latter would assure KB that Metals would pay the liability when it became due. At first, KB wanted to ask for a guarantee from Malaysia Mining. In essence, KB desired a situation that if Metals could not settle the debt, Malaysia Mining, as the parent company, would be under legal obligation to be subrogated into the shoes of Metals, the subsidiary. Malaysia Mining did not heed the call of KB. In lieu of the letter supposedly clearly defining the mother company as a guarantor of the debt of Metals, Malaysia Mining wrote a prudently crafted letter where it was stated that it was the policy of the company (Malaysia Mining) to ensure that Metals would always be in a capacity to pay back what was b orrowed from KB. The carefully worded correspondence is now the so-called comfort letter at issue. When Metals became troubled with insolvency owing to the predicaments of the tin industry because of the problematic world market, KB claimed payment from Malaysia Mining for the obligation of Metals. KB charged that Malaysia Mining had made a promise to prevent going into a situation where it could not pay its debts. The question now is whether or not Malaysia Mining is liable to KB on the basis of the language set forth in the comfort letter. The court that finally ruled the case answered in the negative. In this paper, independent views are hereby conveyed regarding the matter. The facts have to be analyzed in sufficient detail. At the outset, it is undisputed that KB requested from Malaysia Mining a documentary guarantee whereby the latter would have been bound by the accountability of its subsidiary. From this act and notion alone, it was readily clear that without that guarantee, KB was not holding on anything as would make Malaysia Mining a co-debtor or co-borrower of Metals. It was precisely because of this vacuum that KB asked for a written commitment from Malaysia Mining for the latter to give an assurance for the payment of the loan in the possibility that Metals would not be able to pay the debt. Malaysia Mining refused and the refusal manifestly exhibited the position of the parent corporation that it did not opt to become a co-borrower of its subsidiary or to stand as its guarantor. When KB pushed through with the loan covenant, it took the risk of probably failing to collect from Metals. When indeed Metals was not able to settle the liability, there was no reason to make Malaysia Mining legally responsible to tender payment based on the comfort letter which it sent to KB because, in the first place, there was nothing in the comfort letter making or even presuming Malaysia Mining to be so liable. Going to the language used by Malaysia Mining, the ruling in its favor became more convincing when it declared no commitment to pay for and in behalf of Metals by refusing to sign a guarantee. It simply made known a policy which was not a promise or a pledge. To make a comparison, one who says it is his policy to be honest is different from when he promises to be honest. A policy of the state for space exploration is not a promise for definite courses of action to explore the space. Neither
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Vulnerability in Cloud Computing Essay Example for Free
Vulnerability in Cloud Computing Essay Abstract Cloud computing has been developed to reduce IT expenses and to provide agile IT services to individual users as well as organizations. It moves computing and data away from desktop and portable PCs into large data centers. This technology gives the opportunity for more innovation in lightweight smart devices and it forms an innovative method of performing business. Cloud computing depends on the internet as a medium for users to access the required services at any time on pay-per-use pattern. However this technology is still in its initial stages of development, as it suffers from threats and vulnerabilities that prevent the users from trusting it. Various be rainy as well, in other words this technology is not trustworthy as it is affected with threats and vulnerabilities. We have termed a cloud with threats and vulnerabilities as a stormy cloud. Based on Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) and our research, we have identified top seven threats and vulnerabilities that are the causes behind the creation of a stormy cloud [1]. The identified threats and vulnerabilities are ranked from top to bottom as shown in Fig.1. malicious activities from illegal users have threatened this technology such as data misuse, inflexible access control and limited monitoring. The occurrence of these threats may result into damaging or illegal access of critical and confidential data of users. This research paper describes the characteristics (threats, vulnerabilities) associated with a stormy cloud. Keywords- Illegal access, Threats, Vulnerabilities I.INTRODUCTION The traditional era of computing involves the use of software, hardware and storage to achieve the required computational service whereas cloud computing has isolated the services from resources (networks, storage, servers). The required services are provided to the users by utilizing the resources of provider. Users are no longer required to purchase hardware, software or to manage storages. Due the evolution of this technology users are required to pay for cloud services on consumption basis. New cloud based business models are being discussed, defined, and implemented as solutions in form of on-demand services that allows businesses to enhance their efficiency and scalability. Success or failure of this technology relies on users’ trust whether the service provided is reliable, available and secure. Considering the benefits of cloud computing various organizations are moving towards IT solutions that are based on cloud however, before starting the journey to cloud, organizations must considers the possible threats and vulnerabilities that may convert their dreams of enhancing scalability and saving management cost into a nightmare of data loss and misuse. The users must consider that cloud can Figure 1. Characteristics of stormy cloud. In order to create awareness and protect the cloud users from adopting a stormy cloud, we are describing the impacts of threats and vulnerabilities in cloud computing so that organizations or users can adopt this technology with trust and from a trusted provider who has the powerful and trusted security polices as well as efficient techniques for securing the users’ data on cloud. II.CLOUD COMPUTING THREATS As we already mentioned, there are several significant threats that should be considered before adopting the paradigm of cloud computing, these threats are discribed as follows : A. Abuse and Nefarious Use of Cloud Cloud providers facilitate the users with various types of services including unlimited bandwidth and storage capacity. Some cloud service providers offer free limited trial periods that gives an opportunity for hackers to access the cloud immorally, their impact includes decoding and cracking of passwords, launching potential attack points and executing malicious commands. Spammers, malicious code authors and other cybercriminals can conduct their activities with relative impunity, as cloud service providers are targeted for their weak registration systems and limited fraud detection capabilities. For example some cybercriminals use rich content applications such as flash files that enable them to hide their malicious code and utilize users’ browsers to install malware [1]. B. Insecure Interfaces and APIs Cloud users are using software interfaces and APIs to access and manage the cloud services. These APIs need to be secured because they play an integral part during provisioning, management, orchestration and monitoring of the processes running in a cloud environment. The security and availability of cloud services is dependent upon the security of these APIs so they should include features of authentication, access control, encryption and activity monitoring. APIs must be designed to protect against both accidental and malicious attempts to avoid threats. If cloud service provider relies on weak set of APIs, variety of security issues will be raised related to confidentiality, integrity, availability and accountability such as malicious or unidentified access, API dependencies, limited monitoring/logging capabilities, inflexible access controls, anonymous access, reusable tokens/passwords and improper authorizations[1]. C.Malicious Insider Insider attacks can be performed by malicious employees at the provider’s or user’s site. Malicious insider can steal the confidential data of cloud users. This threat can break the trust of cloud users on provider. A malicious insider can easily obtain passwords, cryptographic keys and files. These attacks may involve various types of fraud, damage or theft of information and misuse of IT resources. The threat of malicious attacks has increased due to lack of transparency in cloud provider’s processes and procedures [2]. It means that a provider may not reveal how employees are granted access and how this access is monitored or how reports as well as policy compliances are analyzed. Additionally, users have little visibility about the hiring practices of their provider that could open the door for an adversary, hackers or other cloud intruders to steal confidential information or to take control over the cloud. The level of access granted could enable attackers to collect confidential data or to gain complete control over the cloud services with little or no risk of detection. Malicious insider attacks can damage the financial value as well as brand reputation of an organization. D. Virtualized Technology Due to the cloud virtualization, cloud providers are residing the user’s applications on virtual machines (VMs) within a shared infrastructure. The VMs are virtualized based on the physical hardware of cloud provider. In order to maintain the security of users, providers are isolating the VMs from each other so if any of them is malicious, it will not affect the other VMs under the same provider. The VMs are managed by hypervisor in order to provide virtual memory as well as CPU scheduling policies to VMs. As the hypervisor is main source of managing a virtualized cloud platform, hackers are targeting it to access the VMs and the physical hardware, because hypervisor resides between VMs and hardware [3], so attack on hypervisor can damage the VMs and hardware. Strong isolation should be employed to ensure that VMs are not able to impact or access the operations of other users running under the same cloud service provider. Several vendors such as Xen and KVM are providing strong security mechanisms of securing the cloud hypervisors, but still it is identified that sometimes security of VMs is compromised. E. Data Loss or Leakage Data loss can occur due to operational failures, unreliable data storage and inconsistent use of encryption keys. Operational failure refers to deletion or alteration of records without a backup of the original content that can take place intentionally or unintentionally. Unreliable data storage refers to saving of data on unreliable media that will be unrecoverable if data is lost [4]. The inconsistent use of encryption keys will result into loss and unauthorized accesses of data by illegal users that will lead to the destruction of sensitive and confidential information. Example of data loss is Twitter hacks. The online accounts of Twitter accessed by hackers and their numerous sensitive corporate documents were stolen. These documents were housed in Googles online web office service Google Docs. Although Google was not the one to be blamed for security break-in as the security of documents from twitter was not efficient enough. Instead, the entire company data was only one password crack away from discovery [5]. It’s clear from this example that data loss or leakage can damage one’s brand, reputation and cause a loss that may significantly impact employee, partner and users’ morale as well as trust. Loss of core intellectual property can have competitive and financial implications beside the compliance violations and legal consequences. F.Account or Service Hijacking Account or service hijacking refers to unauthorized access gained by attackers to control the users’ accounts, such as phishing, fraud and exploitation of software vulnerabilities. For example if an attacker gains access to users’ credentials, they can spy on their activities/transactions, manipulate their data, return falsified information and redirect them to illegitimate sites [6]. Users’ account or service instances may become a new base for the attackers who can leverage the cloud service providers’ reputation by launching subsequent attacks. With stolen credentials, attackers can often access critical areas of deployed cloud computing services, allowing them to compromise the confidentiality, integrity and availability of those services. Authentication and authorization through the use of roles and password protecting is a common way to maintain access control when using web-browsers to access cloud computing systems. However, this method is not suff icient enough to secure sensitive and critical data. G.Unknown Risk Profile It is important for the users to know software versions, security practices, code updates and intrusion attempts. While adopting cloud computing services, these features and functionality may be well advertised but what about the details orcompliance ofthe internal security procedures, configuration hardening, patching, auditing and logging. Users must be clarified how and where their data and related logs are stored. However, there is no clear answer that leaves users with an unknown risk profile that may include serious threats [1]. the VM within the virtualized cloud environment.VM escape is a vulnerability that enables a guest-level VM to attack its host. Under this vulnerability an attacker runs code on a VM that allows an OS running within it to break out and interact directly with the hypervisor as shown in Fig.2 [8]. III.CLOUD COMPUTING VULNERABILITIES There are several significant vulnerabilities that should be considered when an organization is ready to move their critical applications and data to a cloud compuitng environment, these vulnerabilities are discribed as follows : A. Session Riding and Hijacking Session hijacking refers to use of a valid session key to gain unauthorized access for the information or services residing on a computer system, it also refers to theft of a cookie used to authenticate a user to a remote server and it is relevant to web application technologies weaknesses in the web application structure at their disposal that gives the chance to hackers in order to accomplish a wide variety of malicious activities. While session riding refers to the hackers sending commands to a web application on behalf of the targeted user by just sending that user an email or tricking the user into visiting a specially crafted website. Session riding deletes user data, executes online transactions like bids or orders, sends spam to an intranet system via internet and changes system as well as network configurations or even opens the firewall [12]. However, the web technologies evolution and refinement also brings new techniques that compromise sensitive data, provide access to theoretically secure networks and pose threats to the daily operation of online businesses. B. Virtual Machine Escape Cloud computing servers use the same OS, enterprise and web applications as localized VMs and physical servers. The ability for an attacker or malware to remotely exploit vulnerabilities in these systems and applications is a significant threat to virtualized cloud computing environments [7]. In addition, co-location of multiple VMs increases the attack surface and risk of VM-to-VM compromise. Intrusion detection and prevention systems need to be able to detect malicious activity at VM level, regardless of the location of Figure 2. VM Escape. It allows the attacker to access the host OS and all other VMs running on that particular host. Hypervisors and VM’s complexity may cause an increase threat to attack surface that weakens security such as paging, check pointing and migration of VMs [8]. C. Reliability and Availability of Service In terms of reliability and availability, cloud computing is not a perfect technology. For-example in February 2008, Amazons Web Service (Amazons-S3) cloud storage infrastructure went down for several hours, causing data loss and access issues with multiple Web 2.0 services. With more services being built on top of cloud computing infrastructures, an outage orfailure can create a domino effect by taking down large amounts of Internet based services and applications which raise several questions such as in cases of failure, what forms of settlement exist for stakeholders? What is the responsibility of cloud providers? What will be appropriate procedures to overcome these issues? [9]. D. Insecure Cryptography Attackers’ can decode any cryptographic mechanism or algorithm as main methods to hack them are discovered. It’s common to find crucial flaws in cryptographic algorithm implementations, which can twist strong encryption into weak encryption or sometimes no encryption at all. For example in cloud virtualization providers uses virtualization software to partition servers into images that are provided to the users as on-demand services [10]. Although utilization of those VMs into cloud providers data centres provides more flexible and efficient setup than traditional servers but they dont have enough access to generate random numbers needed to properly encrypt data. This is one of the fundamental problems of cryptography. How do computers produce truly random numbers that cant be guessed or replicated? In PCs, OS typically monitors users mouse movements and key strokes to gather random bits of data that are collected in a so-called Entropy Pool (a set of unpredictable numbers that encryption software automatically pulls to generate random encryption passkeys). In servers, one that dont have access to a keyboard or mouse, random numbers are also pulled from the unpredictable movements of the computers hard drive. VMs that act as physical machines but are simulated with software have fewer sources of entropy. For example Linux-based VMs, gather random numbers only from the exact millisecond time on their internal clocks and that is not enough to generate strong keys for encryption [11]. E. Data Protection and Portability Although the cloud services are offered based on a contract among client and a provider but what will happen when the contract is terminated and client doesn’t wants to continue anymore. The question is, will the sensitive data of client be deleted or misused by the provider. Secondly if the provider went out of business due to any reason, what will happen to the services and data of the client? Will the provider handout the data of client to some other provider, if yes, will client trust the new provider? Considering these questions we can say that data protection and portability remains as one of main weaknesses of cloud computing. F. Vendor Lock-in This vulnerability occurs due to immature providers and new business models which raise the risk of failure and going out of the business. Lock-in, makes a client dependent on a provider for products and services so they will be unable to deal with another provider without substantial switching costs. Clients must be sure of their potential provider prior to provider selection process. Lack of standards may also lock-in the clients with only one provider. Due to heterogeneous standards and policies settled by each provider, clients are not able to easily migrate from one provider to another even though they want to do so [13]. G. Internet Dependency Cloud computing is an internet dependent technology where users are accessing the services via web browser. What if internet is not available or service is down, what will happen to users systems and operations that are very critical and need to run 24 hours such as Healthcare and Banking systems. In some Asian and African underdeveloped countries where service of internet is not considered as reliable enough, will organizations adopt this paradigm to move their significant systems on cloud? IV.CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK In this research paper we have discussed the characteristics of a stormy cloud that contains threats and vulnerabilities. Cloud computing has a dynamic nature that is flexible, scalable and multi-shared with high capacity that gives an innovative shape of carrying out business [14]. However, beside these benefits there are seven deadly threats and vulnerabilities encountered in this technology. Therefore, we believe there is still tremendous opportunity for researchers to make revolutionary contributions in this field and bring significant impact of their development to the industry. There is need to develop and design in-depth security techniques and policies in terms of people, processes and technology. By considering the contributions from several IT industries worldwide, it’s obvious that cloud computing will be one of the leading strategic and innovative technologies in the near future. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The glory of accomplishing this research paper goes to our parents for their moral support. We are also thankful to our supervisor for encouraging us to write this research journal. Finally, we are thankful to IJAEST for assisting us to review this journal and providing us timely response. REFERENCES [1]CSA, â€Å"Security Guidance for Critical Areas of Focus in Cloud Computing V2.1†Cloud Security Alliance, 2009, [Online], Available:, [Accessed: 08-July-2011]. [2]E., Mathisen, â€Å"Security challenges and solutions in cloud computing,†in Digital Ecosystems and Technologies Conference (DEST), 2011 Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Conference on, 2011, pp. 208-212. [3]Wei Chen, Hongyi Lu, Li Shen, Zhiying Wang, Nong Xiao, and Dan Chen, â€Å"A Novel Hardware Assisted Full Virtualization Technique,†in Young Computer Scientists, 2008. ICYCS 2008. The 9th International Conference for, 2008, pp. 1292-1297. [4]S. Farrell, â€Å"Portable Storage and Data Loss,†Internet Computing, IEEE, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 90-93, 2008. 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Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Future of Social Security :: Papers Politics Welfare Essays Papers
The Future of Social Security Social Security is a system that was set up in 1935 after the Great depression to help people get through tough times. "Social Security is now used by nearly 44 million Americans"( Only people who payed into social security are eligible to collect when they retire. Many people think that they receive the money they pay in but that is not total true. The money that you pay in is used for the people that are receiving it now. "In 1950 there were 16 workers for every beneficiary; today there are only three workers per beneficiary"( There is more money going into social security then coming out now. The extra money goes into a trust to be used when it is needed. By the year 2032 those numbers are going to drop. By this time most baby boomers will be retired and collecting social security. This will put a big strain on the funds. There will be more money going out then coming in. And it will not take long to use all the money that is in the trust. By th e year 2034 they will only be able to pay 75 percent of the beneficiaries. "The projected average monthly Social Security benefit in 2032 of about 1,100 (in 1998 dollars) would fall to about $800, and would drop further in later years. Average benefits for low-wage earners would drop from $670 to $480"(www.ssab). Theses cut would effect the people just starting to receive benefits and those who are already receiving benefits. And with each year these benefits will decrease. As these benefits continue to decrease "the percentage of aged people living in poverty would rise"(www.ssab).Most people believe this is happening because of the baby boomers generation. There will be more people taking from social security then giving in. By the time my generation is eliable to receive social security there may not be any money to give. Everyone is worried about the future of the social security system. They wonder how long it can last after the year 2030. There are many ways people are suggesting to deal with the problem. Some suggest to raise taxes on social security "In order to continue paying full benefits in 2032 and for about 40 therefore, the law would have to be changed to increase social security taxes by almost one-half, from the current 12.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Frankenstein Summary Essay
Frankenstein opens with a preface, signed by Mary Shelley but commonly supposed to have been written by her husband, Percy Bysshe Shelley. It states that the novel was begun during a summer vacation in the Swiss Alps, when unseasonably rainy weather and nights spent reading German ghost stories inspired the author and her literary companions to engage in a ghost story writing contest, of which this work is the only completed product. Summary: Letter 1 The novel itself begins with a series of letters from the explorer Robert Walton to his sister, Margaret Saville. Walton, a well-to-do Englishman with a passion for seafaring, is the captain of a ship headed on a dangerous voyage to the North Pole. In the first letter, he tells his sister of the preparations leading up to his departure and of the desire burning in him to accomplish â€Å"some great purpose†â€â€discovering a northern passage to the Pacific, revealing the source of the Earth’s magnetism, or simply setting foot on undiscovered territory. Summary: Letters 2–3 In the second letter, Walton bemoans his lack of friends. He feels lonely and isolated, too sophisticated to find comfort in his shipmates and too uneducated to find a sensitive soul with whom to share his dreams. In the brief third letter, Walton tells his sister that his ship has set sail and that he has full confidence that he will achieve his aim. Summary: Letter 4 In the fourth letter, the ship stalls between huge sheets of ice, and Walton and his men spot a sledge guided by a gigantic creature about half a mile away. The next morning, they encounter another sledge stranded on an ice floe. All but one of the dogs drawing the sledge is dead, and the man on the sledgeâ€â€not the man seen the night beforeâ€â€is emaciated, weak, and starving. Despite his condition, the man refuses to board the ship until Walton tells him that it is heading north. The stranger spends two days recovering, nursed by the crew, before he can speak. The crew is burning with curiosity, but Walton, aware of the man’s still-fragile state, prevents his men from burdening the stranger with questions. As time passes, Walton and the stranger become friends, and the stranger eventually consents to tell Walton his story. At the end of the fourth letter, Walton states that the visitor will commence his narrative the next day; Walton’s framing narrative ends and the stranger’s begins. Summary: Chapter 1 The stranger, who the reader soon learns is Victor Frankenstein, begins his narration. He starts with his family background, birth, and early childhood, telling Walton about his father, Alphonse, and his mother, Caroline. Alphonse became Caroline’s protector when her father died in poverty. They married two years later, and Victor was born soon after. Frankenstein then describes how his childhood companion, Elizabeth Lavenza, entered his family. Elizabeth was discovered by his mother, Caroline, on a trip to Italy, when Victor is about five years old. While visiting a poor Italian family, Caroline notices a beautiful blonde girl among the dark-haired Italian children; upon discovering that Elizabeth is the orphaned daughter of a Milanese nobleman and a German woman and that the Italian family can barely afford to feed her, Caroline adopts Elizabeth and brings her back to Geneva. Victor’s mother decides at the moment of the adoption that Elizabeth and Victor should someda y marry. Summary: Chapter 2 Elizabeth and Victor grow up together as best friends. Victor’s friendship with Henry Clerval, a schoolmate and only child, flourishes as well, and he spends his childhood happily surrounded by this close domestic circle. As a teenager, Victor becomes increasingly fascinated by the mysteries of the natural world. He chances upon a book by Cornelius Agrippa, a sixteenth-century scholar of the occult sciences, and becomes interested in natural philosophy. He studies the outdated findings of the alchemists Agrippa, Paracelsus, and Albertus Magnus with enthusiasm. He witnesses the destructive power of nature when, during a raging storm, lightning destroys a tree near his house. A modern natural philosopher accompanying the Frankenstein family explains to Victor the workings of electricity, making the ideas of the alchemists seem outdated and worthless. Summary: Chapter 3 At the age of seventeen, Victor leaves his family in Geneva to attend the university at Ingolstadt. Just before Victor departs, his mother catches scarlet fever from Elizabeth, whom she has been nursing back to health, and dies. On her deathbed, she begs Elizabeth and Victor to marry. Several weeks later, still grieving, Victor goes off to Ingolstadt. Arriving at the university, he finds quarters in the town and sets up a meeting with a professor of natural philosophy, M. Krempe. Krempe tells Victor that all the time that Victor has spent studying the alchemists has been wasted, further souring Victor on the study of natural philosophy. He then attends a lecture in chemistry by a professor named Waldman. This lecture, along with a subsequent meeting with the professor, convinces Victor to pursue his studies in the sciences. Analysis: Preface and Letters 1–4 The preface to Frankenstein sets up the novel as entertainment, but with a serious twistâ€â€a science fiction that nonetheless captures â€Å"the truth of the elementary principles of human nature.†The works of Homer, Shakespeare, and Milton are held up as shining examples of the kind of work Frankenstein aspires to be. Incidentally, the reference to â€Å"Dr. Darwin†in the first sentence is not to the famous evolutionist Charles Darwin, who was seven years old at the time the novel was written, but to his grandfather, the biologist Erasmus Darwin. In addition to setting the scene for the telling of the stranger’s narrative, Walton’s letters introduce an important characterâ€â€Walton himselfâ€â€whose story parallels Frankenstein’s. The second letter introduces the idea of loss and loneliness, as Walton complains that he has no friends with whom to share his triumphs and failures, no sensitive ear to listen to his dreams and ambitions. Walton turns to the stranger as the friend he has always wanted; his search for companionship, and his attempt to find it in the stranger, parallels the monster’s desire for a friend and mate later in the novel. This parallel between man and monster, still hidden in these early letters but increasingly clear as the novel progresses, suggests that the two may not be as different as they seem. Another theme that Walton’s letters introduce is the danger of knowledge. The stranger tells Walton, â€Å"You seek for knowledge and wisdom, as I once did; and I ardently hope that the gratification of your wishes may not be a serpent to sting you, as mine has been.†The theme of destructive knowledge is developed throughout the novel as the tragic consequences of the stranger’s obsessive search for understanding are revealed. Walton, like the stranger, is entranced by the opportunity to know what no one else knows, to delve into nature’s secrets: â€Å"What may not be expected in a country of eternal light?†he asks. Walton’s is only the first of many voices in Frankenstein. His letters set up a frame narrative that encloses the main narrativeâ€â€the stranger’sâ€â€and provides the context in which it is told. Nested within the stranger’s narrative are even more voices. The use of multiple frame narratives calls attention to the telling of the story, adding new layers of complexity to the already intricate relationship between author and reader: as the reader listens to Victor’s story, so does Walton; as Walton listens, so does his sister. By focusing the reader’s attention on narration, on the importance of the storyteller and his or her audience, Shelley may have been trying to link her novel to the oral tradition to which the ghost stories that inspired her tale belong. Within each framed narrative, the reader receives constant reminders of the presence of other authors and audiences, and of perspective shifts, as Victor breaks out of his narrative to address Walton directly and as Walton signs off each of his letters to his sister. Analysis: Chapters 1–2 The picture that Victor draws of his childhood is an idyllic one. Though loss aboundsâ€â€the poverty of Beaufort and the orphaning of Elizabeth, for instanceâ€â€it is always quickly alleviated by the presence of a close, loving family. Nonetheless, the reader senses, even in these early passages, that the stability and comfort of family are about to be exploded. Shining through Victor’s narration of a joyful childhood and an eccentric adolescence is a glimmer of the great tragedy that will soon overtake him. Women in Frankenstein fit into few roles: the loving, sacrificial mother; the innocent, sensitive child; and the concerned, confused, abandoned lover. Throughout the novel, they are universally passive, rising only at the most extreme moments to demand action from the men around them. The language Victor uses to describe the relationship between his mother and father supports this image of women’s passivity: in reference to his mother, he says that his fathe r â€Å"came as a protecting spirit to the poor girl, who committed herself to his care.†Elizabeth, Justine Moritz, and Caroline Beaufort all fit into this mold of the passive woman.Various metanarrative comments (i.e., remarks that pertain not to the content of the narrative but rather to the telling of the narrative) remind the reader of the fact that Victor’s narrative is contained within Walton’s. Victor interrupts his story to relate how Elizabeth became a part of his family, prefacing the digression with the comment, â€Å"But before I continue my narrative, I must record an incident.†Such guiding statements structure Victor’s narrative and remind the reader that Victor is telling his story to a specific audienceâ€â€Walton. Foreshadowing is ubiquitous in these chapters and, in fact, throughout the novel. Even Walton’s letters prepare the way for the tragic events that Victor will recount. Victor constantly alludes to his imminent doom; for example, he calls his interest in natural philosophy â€Å"the genius that has regulated my fate†and â€Å"the fatal impulse that led to my ruin.†Victor’s narrative is rife with nostalgia for a happier time; he dwells on the fuzzy memories of his blissful childhood with Elizabeth, his father and mother, and Henry Clerval. But even in the midst of these tranquil childhood recollections, he cannot ignore the signs of the tragedy that lies in his imminent future; he sees that each event, such as the death of his mother, is nothing but â€Å"an omen, as it were, of [his] future misery.†This heavy use of foreshadowing has a dual effect. On the one hand, it adds to the suspense of the novel, leaving the reader wondering about the nature of the awful tragedy that has caused Victor so much grief. On the other hand, it drains away some of the suspenseâ€â€the reader knows far ahead of time that Victor has no hope, that all is doomed. Words like â€Å"fate,†â€Å"fatal,†and â€Å"omen†reinforce the inevitability of Victor’s tragedy, suggesting not only a sense of resignation but also, perhaps, an attempt by Victor to deny responsibility for his own misfortune. Describing his decision to study chemistry, he says, â€Å"Thus ended a day memorable to me; it decided my future destiny.†Summary: Chapter 4 Victor attacks his studies with enthusiasm and, ignoring his social life and his family far away in Geneva, makes rapid progress. Fascinated by the mystery of the creation of life, he begins to study how the human body is built (anatomy) and how it falls apart (death and decay). After several years of tireless work, he masters all that his professors have to teach him, and he goes one step further: discovering the secret of life. Privately, hidden away in his apartment where no one can see him work, he decides to begin the construction of an animate creature, envisioning the creation of a new race of wonderful beings. Zealously devoting himself to this labor, he neglects everything elseâ€â€family, friends, studies, and social lifeâ€â€and grows increasingly pale, lonely, and obsessed. Summary: Chapter 5 One stormy night, after months of labor, Victor completes his creation. But when he brings it to life, its awful appearance horrifies him. He rushes to the next room and tries to sleep, but he is troubled by nightmares about Elizabeth and his mother’s corpse. He wakes to discover the monster looming over his bed with a grotesque smile and rushes out of the house. He spends the night pacing in his courtyard. The next morning, he goes walking in the town of Ingolstadt, frantically avoiding a return to his now-haunted apartment. As he walks by the town inn, Victor comes across his friend Henry Clerval, who has just arrived to begin studying at the university. Delighted to see Henryâ€â€a breath of fresh air and a reminder of his family after so many months of isolation and ill healthâ€â€he brings him back to his apartment. Victor enters first and is relieved to find no sign of the monster. But, weakened by months of work and shock at the horrific being he has created, he immediately falls ill with a nervous fever that lasts several months. Henry nurses him back to health and, when Victor has recovered, gives him a letter from Elizabeth that had arrived during his illness. Analysis: Chapters 3–5 Whereas the first two chapters give the reader a mere sense of impending doom, these chapters depict Victor irrevocably on the way to tragedy. The creation of the monster is a grotesque act, far removed from the triumph of scientific knowledge for which Victor had hoped. His nightmares reflect his horror at what he has done and also serve to foreshadow future events in the novel. The images of Elizabeth â€Å"livid with the hue of death†prepare the reader for Elizabeth’s eventual death and connect it, however indirectly, to the creation of the monster. Victor’s pursuit of scientific knowledge reveals a great deal about his perceptions of science in general. He views science as the only true route to new knowledge: â€Å"In other studies you go as far as others have gone before you, and there is nothing more to know; but in scientific pursuit there is continual food for discovery and wonder.†Walton’s journey to the North Pole is likewise a search f or â€Å"food for discovery and wonder,†a step into the tantalizing, dark unknown. The symbol of light, introduced in Walton’s first letter (â€Å"What may not be expected in a country of eternal light?†), appears again in Victor’s narrative, this time in a scientific context. â€Å"From the midst of this darkness,†Victor says when describing his discovery of the secret of life, â€Å"a sudden light broke in upon meâ€â€a light so brilliant and wondrous.†Light reveals, illuminates, clarifies; it is essential for seeing, and seeing is the way to knowledge. Just as light can illuminate, however, so can it blind; pleasantly warm at moderate levels, it ignites dangerous flames at higher ones. Immediately after his first metaphorical use of light as a symbol of knowledge, Victor retreats into secrecy and warns Walton of â€Å"how dangerous is the acquirement of knowledge.†Thus, light is balanced always by fire, the promise of new discovery by the danger of unpredictableâ€â€and perhaps tragicâ€â€consequences. The theme of secrecy manifests itself in these chapters, as Victor’s studies draw him farther and farther away from those who love and advise him. He conducts his experiments alone, following the example of the ancient alchemists, who jealously guarded their secrets, and rejecting the openness of the new sciences. Victor displays an unhealthy obsession with all of his endeavors, and the labor of creating the monster takes its toll on him. It drags him into charnel houses in search of old body parts and, even more important, isolates him from the world of open social institutions. Though Henry’s presence makes Victor become conscious of his gradual loss of touch with humanity, Victor is nonetheless unwilling to tell Henry anything about the monster. The theme of secrecy transforms itself, now linked to Victor’s shame an d regret for having ever hoped to create a new life. Victor’s reaction to his creation initiates a haunting theme that persists throughout the novelâ€â€the sense that the monster is inescapable, ever present, liable to appear at any moment and wreak havoc. When Victor arrives at his apartment with Henry, he opens the door â€Å"as children are accustomed to do when they expect a specter to stand in waiting for them on the other side,†a seeming echo of the tension-filled German ghost stories read by Mary Shelley and her vacationing companions. As in the first three chapters, Victor repeatedly addresses Walton, his immediate audience, reminding the reader of the frame narrative and of the multiple layers of storytellers and listeners. Structuring comments such as â€Å"I fear, my friend, that I shall render myself tedious by dwelling on these preliminary circumstances†both remind the reader of the target audience (Walton) and help indicate the relative importance of each passage. Shelley employs other literary devices from time to time, including apostrophe, in which the speaker addresses an inanimate object, absent person, or abstract idea. Victor occasionally addresses some of the figures from his past as if they were with him on board Walton’s ship. â€Å"Excellent friend!†he exclaims, referring to Henry. â€Å"How sincerely did you love me, and endeavor to elevate my mind, until it was on a level with your own.†Apostrophe was a favorite of Mary Shelley’s husband, Percy Bysshe Shelley, who used it often in his poetry; its occurrence here might reflect some degree of Percy’s influence on Mary’s writing.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
The short story â€Å"A New Leaf†by F. Scott Fitzgerald rang many alarms for me the first being I found myself completely stumped in the matter of which form of fiction this specific piece was written. I personally found it highly entertaining like that of commercial fiction yet I can definitely see the potential message behind the story to get a meaningful lesson across. â€Å"A New Leaf†is so entertaining for me because it is literally one of the pieces you can see in your head as you are reading it.My personal favorite moment was envisioning just how Julia felt as she went dancing in the evenings with Mr. Ragland. I picture it as something magical like every moment she is with him the rest of the world melts away. She is completely content with a night just enveloped in Ragland’s arms all the while he fights the temptation of having another drink in her presence. I think the overall tone of the story could be taken as literal fiction.The main message being p atience is a virtue or sometimes it can be better to let someone hold on to a small glimmer of hope for the common good than to crush their spirits with the absolute truth. I personally believe sometimes it is greater to let someone believe a small lie than to kill their belief in their own ability to find hope. Phil is the main demonstrator of both of my points. In the story he waits for Julia obviously loving her throughout the whole story. He lets her make her own decision to stay with Dick in the beginning of the story although it was against his will and better judgment.Later in the story he comes back into the story not to hurt Julia with the knowledge of Dick’s shortcomings and foolery but as a friend with a warning. Through all of this Paul shows great restraint and immense love for Julia; he waits for the time to be right to confront Paul in a private fashion. Finally knowing all of Dick’s dirty secrets after his death Paul still refuses to tell Julia she was wrong about Dick all along. He did not take away joyful feelings that Julia felt about Dick dying trying to change his lifestyle even though he knew the real truth all along. Mike The short story â€Å"A New Leaf†by F. Scott Fitzgerald rang many alarms for me the first being I found myself completely stumped in the matter of which form of fiction this specific piece was written. I personally found it highly entertaining like that of commercial fiction yet I can definitely see the potential message behind the story to get a meaningful lesson across. â€Å"A New Leaf†is so entertaining for me because it is literally one of the pieces you can see in your head as you are reading it.My personal favorite moment was envisioning just how Julia felt as she went dancing in the evenings with Mr. Ragland. I picture it as something magical like every moment she is with him the rest of the world melts away. She is completely content with a night just enveloped in Ragland’s arms all the while he fights the temptation of having another drink in her presence. I think the overall tone of the story could be taken as literal fiction.The main message being p atience is a virtue or sometimes it can be better to let someone hold on to a small glimmer of hope for the common good than to crush their spirits with the absolute truth. I personally believe sometimes it is greater to let someone believe a small lie than to kill their belief in their own ability to find hope. Phil is the main demonstrator of both of my points. In the story he waits for Julia obviously loving her throughout the whole story. He lets her make her own decision to stay with Dick in the beginning of the story although it was against his will and better judgment.Later in the story he comes back into the story not to hurt Julia with the knowledge of Dick’s shortcomings and foolery but as a friend with a warning. Through all of this Paul shows great restraint and immense love for Julia; he waits for the time to be right to confront Paul in a private fashion. Finally knowing all of Dick’s dirty secrets after his death Paul still refuses to tell Julia she was wrong about Dick all along. He did not take away joyful feelings that Julia felt about Dick dying trying to change his lifestyle even though he knew the real truth all along.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Worst Common App Essay Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
Worst Common App Essay Mistakes and How to Avoid Them Worst Common App Essay Mistakes and How to Avoid Them An application essay is a usual requirement when enrolling in a college or university because it allows the admissions department to look into your values and accomplishments other than your academic and extra-curricular records. In order to submit a good application essay, you must, of course, have good writing skills. There are a lot of essay writing tips you can find online, starting with common app essay mistakes that applicants usually make hindering them from actually constructing an app essay that will manifest their true personality and passion. There are several common app essay examples online. You can investigate as many as you can and learn as much common app essay tips as possible. Here are the common mistakes and some very useful tips you might want to consider when writing your application essay: Keep it organized. Before writing down your app essay, make an outline first of how you intend to go about it. This is to ensure that all questions are addressed as well as to keep track of your progress. An essay that lacks structure might confuse your readers and, in turn, fail to show what you really want your audience to know about you. Do not choose a topic and subject immediately. College and university applicants usually provide a list of topics to write about in their app essays. Before choosing a topic and a subject, look into the list carefully first and consider which one will best portray you in the most desirable way. Consider your passion, your interests, and the subjects you excel in. Do not beat around the bush. Once you have selected a topic and a subject, make sure to answer the questions. Read them carefully and ensure that every question or topic is accounted. Be particularly attentive to multiple-part questions because this is where applicants usually miss out on some points. Start with a really good introduction. A good start will encourage the admissions department to read on. This is especially applicable when they are reading thousands of app essays which are already starting to look very generic by then. Make a good impression as early as possible. Avoid ambiguous answers. Remember, the admissions department wants to see your character and spot your potentials. In order for them to do that, you have to let them into your life through your app essay so avoid constructing an essay that is generic and instead is more specific and descriptive. Avoid being too lengthy. A lot of common app essay prompts specify the required word count so make sure to strictly follow the limit. The admissions department will look into your ability to understand instructions and follow them accordingly and non-compliance to these instructions could even lead to your disqualification. Mind your tone. The tone of your essay must maintain a certain level of decorum. After all, it is an academic paper. Try to avoid sounding sarcastic or too humorous. While the goal is for the real you to manifest, you also have to remember that you have to put yourself in the best light possible. Make it a mutual relationship. Another common mistake that applicants make is sounding too one-sided in their app essays. Do not make it appear that you are only looking forward to the benefits the college or university can offer but also what it can benefit from you. Do not rely on a single spell checker. Most students will probably draft their app essays in a Word Document which has its own spell checker but do not rely on this solely. You have to double check it yourself and make sure your grammar is perfect. You can, of course, ask a family member or a friend to check for you. Do not overlook the small things. Remember that good essays do not necessarily have to be grandiose. Simple thoughts and simple words can go as deep as well and even reach out to more audience because it is easier to read and understand. In fact, some of the best and most memorable essays come from the simple conversations but are nevertheless valuable and very engaging. Avoid writing about volunteer trips. While community service is always a good thing, it will less likely impress the admissions department, not with thousands of other applicants writing about it, too. Remember that you have to make an extra effort for your app essay to stand out so instead of writing about generic answers and experiences, try including something that is out of the box or unique. Avoid stating the obvious. Your app essay is not a reflection of your resume so do not make it appear like it is. The point of these essays is for the admissions department to look into your values and other characteristics that are otherwise unavailable in academic records. Instead, include things that will showcase your personal qualities such as leadership skills and strength of character. Do not be too aggressive. There is nothing wrong with being a go-getter but if you cross the line and come out as being too egoistic, it will reflect badly on your application. Try to balance your strengths with weaknesses but make sure to include how you have or intend to overcome these weaknesses. Do not forget to edit and proofread. Never submit an essay after the first draft. Essays require editing and proofreading more than twice to ensure that your thoughts are aligned and your grammar is perfect. You might want to wait a few hours or even a day after your finish your first draft to edit to make sure that you are looking at it with fresh eyes and perspective to easily spot errors and mistakes. Do not miss the deadline. You have to thoroughly plan out your application by making a timeline to track your progress. Start early, research the requirements, make a checklist, and ensure you follow it accordingly. Try to spare extra time in case you need to make more revisions than intended.
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