Friday, November 22, 2019

Benito Mussolini And Adolf Hitler

Benito Mussolini And Adolf Hitler Throughout history, many leaders have impacted their countries and the world around them. Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini are two brutal yet significant leaders who came to power in their nations during a time of inflation, depression, and devastation. They both gained their power similarly and improved their country’s conditions after the devastation of World War I. During their rule they ruined many people’s lives and negatively impacted other countries. Hitler and Mussolini benefited their county’s economy. These leaders used totalitarian regimes as a way to gain order and control. Despite their many similarities, they also have many differences such as their very different principles. Hitler’s principle was based on the racial superiority of the Arian race. Mussolini empathized nationalism based on remembering Rome’s glory. Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini had many similarities and differences; however their role in history impacted their co untry and World War II both negatively and positively. There are many similarities between Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini. Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy were unhappy with the outcome of World War I. â€Å"Italians are showing great sympathy for the Hitler government in Germany. They consider the Treaty of Versailles cheated them of the fruit of victory (New York Times, 1933).† Germany and Italy had serious social and economic problems caused by the outcome of World War I. Hitler promised to end reparations, and create jobs through the creation of public works programs. It employed people by having them, build highways and housing. Mussolini promised a strong and stable government. Hitler and Mussolini had a totalitarian style in which they ruled their countries. A totalitarian government is regulated with only one leader that makes all the decisions for the entire country and regulates every aspect of a citizen’s life. Hitler and Mussolini both used this form of go vernment to help their counties Germany and Italy out of a deep economic depression after the devastation of World War I. Hitler and Mussolini became allies during the axis pact. They formed forces before gaining their power. Hitler formed the Nazi party. The Nazi Party stands for the Nationalists Socialist German workers party. The Nazi party supported violent racial nationalism and anti Semitism. Mussolini formed the black shirts. They chose violence over the democratic process. The black shirts used violence, censorship, and extreme propaganda. â€Å"Propaganda must not serve the truth, especially as it might bring out something favorable for the opponent (Hitler, 582).† Hitler explained that, â€Å"All propaganda must be popular and its intellectual level must be adjusted to the most limited intelligence among those it is addressed to. Consequently, the greater the mass it is intended to reach, the lower its purely intellectual level will have to be (Hitler, 583).† They both were anti- communist. Hitler and Mussolini used terror and force to gain more power. â€Å"The one means that wins the easiest victory over reason: terror and force (Hitler, 600). They both had scapegoats. Hitler blamed the Jewish for everything, especially for the loss of World War I. Mussolini blamed anyone that went against him. They formed alliances with each other before the start of World War II. Hitler and Mussolini both were talented speakers helping them gain support of the people.

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