Tuesday, November 26, 2019

International Human Resource Management Essays - Business

International Human Resource Management Essays - Business EXECUTIVE SUMMARY International Human Resource Management (IHRM) is a method of selection,acllotication and utilizing of human Resourses in an international context. This report focuses on IHRM practices and the issues MURDOCH University faces in its IHRM strategies. The management of Global workforce policies and practices. Recruitment and Selection, training and perfomance management and renumeration process of Murdoch. MURDOCH University is regarded as a leading Australian and Global university. For it to be sucessful, the university focuses on attacting, retaining, and patronizing the eductaional staff that are dedicated to bring quality students some experiences and best learning output. The university introduced recognizing, and rewarding current staff for exceptional assistance in learning, training and research. It also follows a major IHRM strategy for managing its Global staff members. INTRODUCTION Human Resource Management (HRM) is the process of hiring, managing, and providing direction of the candidates that work in an organisation. HRM is vital in an organisation activity that focuses on factors in relation to the staff such as Hiring, compesatition, organisation development, perfomance management, wellness, safety, benefits, compesation, company development, staff motivation, comapny development , training, administaration, and communication. HRM is also called a comprehensive and strategic approach to mange and work force and enviroment of the workplace.It enalbles the staff to perform efficiently and effectivily to expand production and achieve the companies goal. the most important parts of HRM is IHRM which involves selction, allocating, and utilizing human resources in an international percespective. It includes activities that allows the organizations to manage staff at global level to achive objectives and performing HRM activities internationally. The process of IHRM can be simplifies if MNC(Multinational Corporations) traded thier products in few countries and few offices in foreign countries. Current Business operations push orgainisations to spread their activities globally to as many countries as possible thus IHRM is needed for that. An organisation has to build intergration among HR policies and practices to its subsidiary firms in various countries so to achive it so objectives and aims. Also to incorporate significant levels of flexibility on IHRM Strategy as employees from diffrent counries are supported by various cultures and social values and language. Flexibility has and abundance influence on perfomance on employees(Richman et al. May 2008). Forces of international and demand of the organisation to develop and implement a valid strong international strategy, IHRM is becoming a pre-requiste to the sucess of the organisation. IHRM management face difficulties to decide whether a company should start its HR policies and pratices on the local context( Lloyd & Hartel, 2004) Effective HRM system is important to focus on aliegnment with perfomance management systems of the companies. Example include the criteria used for perfomance management is to be implemeneted for staffing, hiring, and training. This shows a strong message of what is expected by the company from its staff (Pulakos, 2004) The survivalof the organisation on this high competive market, it is complusory to develop a cabable and effctive workforce. It is hard to find qalified international candidates, so it is imperative that companies achive their goals for staff development and control and co-ordination of employees, so to transfer knowledge by taking effective staff policies which inlude Ethnocentric Practices and Policies. Policies may be based on the view that the first choices for international or parent country positions are the parent country nationals. The 2nd choice can be based on Geocentric Policy that makes sure that qualified staff for the position is selected regardless of their country of origin. Emphasizing on the movement to overseas locations from parent company location is considered to be an important strategy for staffing and workforce development in a international position. Organisations that follow a Geocentric Staffing Policy focusses on recruiting candidates irrespective of nationality many include 3rd country nationals rather than subsidiary and the organisations parent country( Reiche & Harzing, December 2009) FACTORS TO CONSIDER WHEN SETTING UP BUSINESS OPERATION IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES INTERNATIOAL TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT Various types of training is needed such as orientation, language intruction, cultural training for staff of MNCs. Experiates face difficulties in social and cultural barries in host countries. E.G in Japan eben with suffiecient medical care, foreign workers and thier families are worried about Japanese doctors may reveal little to patients medical assistance. CULTURE SHOCK This

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