Monday, December 23, 2019
“the Steady Uprising of Advertisement†- 1230 Words
â€Å"The Steady Uprising of Advertisement†In today’s society there are a plethora of ideas about advertisement. What would it take to meet societies want’s with the increase in advertising of new technology? In regards to four articles: â€Å"What’s Changed†by , Jane Hammerslough, â€Å"Urban Warfare†by, Kate MacArthur amp; Hilary Chura, â€Å"The Age of Reason†by, Kenneth Hein, â€Å"The Buzz on Buzz†by, Renee Dye. These four authors describe the many different angles that can be approached by advertisement. They have also shown some great aspects of the new uprising development of advertising technology in modern American society. In Jane Hammerslough’s article, â€Å"What’s Changed†, from Next Text Making Connections Across and Beyond the Discipline’s,†¦show more content†¦According to Hein, Music is a major influence in marketing today, â€Å" There have been 1,050 references of about 66 different brands in songs ranked in the top 20 through the beginning of October, according to San Francisco- based brand consultancy LucJam†(Hein 346). Keeping up with the techniques of advertisement for marketers will help with the increasing demands of future generations. In addition, â€Å"The Buzz on Buzz†explains about what’s being said and repeated through the marketing of a product, for instance using the consumers and their â€Å"word-of-mouth†promotions. Dye mentions there are a few myths that are encountered when using this sort of promotion such as, â€Å"Only outrageous or edgy products are buzz worthy, Buzz just happens, The best buzz starters are your best customers, To profit from buzz, you must act first and fast, and The media and advertising are needed to create buzz†. According to Dye these are in fact just myths, she proceeds to explain that â€Å"Buzz†just doesn’t happen, it is carefully planned, that’s the most important part about having a strong marketing campaign. The â€Å"Buzz†is not started by the customers its started by the marketing process. In the article, Dye uses the product Hard Candy as an example of how the marketing process can create mass appeal. Hard Ca ndy was a homemade product that a woman had made inShow MoreRelatedFashion Channel1463 Words  | 6 PagesTHE FASHION CHANNEL The Fashion Channel is an unique leading cable TV network specialized in only fashion programming with broadcasting 24 hours a day and 7 days per week.The channel has a steady uprising revenue background and profitable high growth above the its’ industry average from the establishment in 1996 by two men who has an entrepreneurial spirit. TFC(The Fashion Channel) has a huge revenue amount of 310.6 million in 2006 with 80 million household viewer who has subscribed to theirRead MoreA Report On How 2 Businesses1948 Words  | 8 Pagesideas and information instantly, without barriers.’ From this statement, it can be assumed that one of Twitter’s main purposes is as a platform for free speech. This has proven to be correct, with twitter becoming a platform for individuals to start uprisings and revolutions, as well as to criticise those in power. 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Population growth and the expansion of human and physical capital infrastructures in developing markets will drive economic prosperity. Experts predict that, despite steady increases in oil prices, the proliferation of economic prosperity and sustained growth in demand for oil in the United States will boost demand across the world. Amplified demand combined with unexpected shocks to the world’s supply of oil has theRead MoreMarketing and E-commerce Business65852 Words  | 264 Pagestechnologies permit personalization: merchants can target their marketing messages to specific individuals by adjusting the message to a person’s name, interests, and past purchases. Today this is achieved in a few milliseconds and followed by an advertisement based on the consumer’s profile. The technology also permits information density the total amount and quality of information available to all market participants personalization the targeting of marketing messages to specific individualsRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words  | 656 Pagesthree-quarters of international migration today flows to economically developed countries or regions in possession of excess wealth, such as the oil kingdoms. With the exception of the oil kingdoms, these are all places with populations that are steady or declining in proportion to world population, WORLD MIGRATION IN THE LONG TWENTIETH CENTURY †¢ 37 although much of the growth the Persian Gulf states is the result of immigrants outnumbering natives and it remains to be seen if this
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Slavery in the United States Free Essays
The problem of slavery in the territories created tensions that contributed to the breakup of the Union in 1860-61. The main explanation for the origins of the American Civil War is slavery, especially when it came to Southern anger. The Southern anger was based on the Northern attempts to avoid further slave expansion, which lead to numerous acts, and essentially caused the war against Mexico. We will write a custom essay sample on Slavery in the United States or any similar topic only for you Order Now The United States was a nation divided into two different regions separated by the Mason-Dixon Line. New England, the Northeast and the Midwest had a rapidly-growing economy based on family farms, industry, mining, commerce and transportation, with a large and rapidly growing urban population and no slavery north of the border-states. Its growth was fed by a high birth rate and large numbers of European immigrants, especially Irish, British and German. The South was dominated by a settled plantation system based on slavery. There was some rapid growth taking place in the Southwest, (i. e. Texas), based on high birth rates and high migration from the Southeast, but it had a much lower immigration rate from Europe. The South also had fewer large cities, and little manufacturing except in border areas (which were very influenced by the Northern region). Slave owners controlled politics and economics, though two-thirds of Southern whites owned no slaves and usually were engaged in subsistence agriculture The economic and social differences between the North and the South were two main f actors that caused tensions that contributed to the breakup of the Union. As stated earlier the South was dominated by a settled plantation system based on slavery. Unlike the North in which slavery was frown upon. The North? s economy was based in small farms, and industrial labor in the urban populated cities. As for the North that socially was shaped by European immigration, the South was very much isolated. The North was progressing as labor united various kinds of cultures achieving a society that sustain in each other, unlike the South who solely depended on the Slaves, even though most farms did not contain slaves the Southern society was moved by the richest plantation owners (which did solely depend on slavery). Some other factors that lead to tension leading to the separation of the Union are; States versus federal rights, the fight between Slave and Non-Slave State Proponents, Growth of the Abolition Movement, and finally the election of Abraham Lincoln. How to cite Slavery in the United States, Essay examples
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Diploma of Counseling for Behavior Management -myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theDiploma of Counseling for Behavior Management. Answer: Complete the following analysis charts to show the context of the work that is accrued out. Strengths Weaknesses The organization has an association of more than 80 youth friendly drop in institutes across the nation and has been regarded as a flagship program championed by consecutive federal administrations in order to address the increasing rates of mental disorders as well as suicide of the young generation (Rickwood et al.2014). It newly introduced website is regarded as the first part of call for the individuals who intend to seek information about the mental disorders as well as services within the nation. According to the investigation of the University of New South Wales, the organization comprises a small program impact, whereby the outcomes are marginally in better condition than the youths who are being deprived of certain medication or being treated in private spheres. However, certain reports have revealed very time-consuming improvements in the health development of its clients. Opportunities Threats The youth friendly organization indulges to engage all the corporate associates in lengthy, strategic as well as mutually beneficial associations (Rickwood et al.2015). With the collaboration of certain esteemed partners, the organization exert a pull on resources and ideas in order to pave way for unique and vital initiatives that act as directly beneficial to the youth of Australia and its neighbouring regions. The Social Engagement and Emotional Development (SEED) which is the worlds leading specialists on the health development of children aims for global action in order to address certain challenging factors along with the improve aid for adolescents (Dowling 2014). Political Economic The Australian Government of Health that belongs to the Youth Mental Health Initiative (Rickwood et al.2014) funds the organization. The Australian government has aided an association of researchers to conduct the second round of assessment of the headspace program that has been followed by a competitive tender procedure in the year 2012. Being a publicly aided service organization the organization intends in a considerate proficient manner by the principles of the wider range of health domain. The organization has been primarily aided by the Australian Health Department . Social Technological The peak age of target population of Headspace is from 15-17 years whereby, the males are predominated in the younger population of 12-14 years while the older target group caters from 21-25 years of age (Rickwood et al.2015). A specific portion of the target group can be identified as the Aboriginals with the others reported to belong from the regions outside Australia. However, a majority of its clients live in major cities, while few belonging from inner regional regions and some from remote areas of the country. Several technology-based medications and treatment provide opportunities in order to enhance interpersonal treatment benefits for the ones who intend to seek and further remain associated in the process of treatment. Standard alone online approaches have been found to generate medication benefits of comparable impact sizes to interpersonal therapy for individuals suffering from mental illness. Research the official communication channels of your chosen organisation (or other agency) and discuss at least one provision it has in place to address the following: Special communication needs of personnel (such as those with disabilities such as deaf individuals) nforming employees of the organisation processes and hierarchy Protocols and etiquette for communication (such as when to and when not to use a certain method like email) Communication barriers, restraints or difficulties (such as cross-cultural communication) e) Ensuring proper use of official communication channels (list some of them) A) Written communication- Headspace staff can help its employees with communication impairment with reading documented forms. Digital versions of print materials can be referred as highly accessible while dealing with individualities with hearing disabilities. Computer aided real time transcription services also known as CART services facilitates communication and effective interaction over a live online video connection (Coughlan et al. 2013). This communication channel can be used during the absence of any sign language interpreter. B) Face-to-face communication channel can be referred as an effective tool in order to make the employers aware of the varied organizational hierarchies. Such a type of channel can have detailed information richness as both the receivers as well as the senders are able to view and hear beyond the words, which have been used (Burns and Birrell 2014). Interpersonal communication assist in understanding the body language of the sender further hear the voice. C) Formal written documents can be considered as another form of communication channel, which would assist the employees of Headspace, aware of the etiquettes, cultural values and certain code of behaviour of the organization (Rickwood et al.2015). This would include legal document as well as budget spreadsheet to make the communication process more rigid and standardized. D) Establishing a successful diversified team in the organization can facilitate in curbing the cross-cultural barriers. Effective communication with diversified individuals brings broader range of ideas and views which has been essential to an organizations success (Montague et al. 2014). With teams becoming extremely global, diversity can assist a company or team to identify its position as well as its surroundings. E) Face to face, meetings can control perceptive subjects and further enable to check the understanding of the employees. Print-based material- This form of communication channel offers a clear format to every employee of the organization in order to prevent any miscommunication within the organization. Digital communication- It is referred as the effortless and cost effective procedure to communicate with the staff of the organization. Research and explain the process of crisis communication planning in the community services sector. In your answer, you should provide at least 3 examples of situations in your chosen organisation that could be deemed at crisis point. Clear form of communication- Mental health illness can adapt any forms namely self-destruction, panic attacks as well as suicidal ideation. In such a case, communication can be regarded as an essential key in order to curb the crisis. Transparent communication will facilitate its clients to feel understood as well as make them aware of their worth (Jorm 2015). Headspace must implement active listening procedures such as reflecting thoughts and feelings along with summarization of thoughts in order to assist them to feel validated (Rosenbaum et al.2016). In these situations, the ones suffering from suicidal prone disorders can share their story and the complexities they are facing in their lives. In various situations, a detailed conversation with patients would result in effective outcomes. Anticipate Crisis Scenarios- The organization must be proactive and organize communication teams in order to function during extensive hectic sessions during potential emergencies that could take place within the organization. Various scenarios might occur when individuals suffering from certain mental illnesses experience bully and other social as well as physical assault. Headspace must establish teams, which would effectively work on assisting such clients (Hickie, Scott and McGorry 2013). These procedures of evaluation facilitate in establishing a Crisis Response Plan that is considered as an appropriate approach for the organization. It further involves operational as well as communication elements. Identification of Crisis Communication Team- A small set of officials of comprising of senior must be identified in order to provide services to the Crisis Communication Team of Headspace. The companys CEO will be leading the team along with the organizations top public relation officials as well as legal counsel (Montague et al. 2014). Other members of the team are employed as the chiefs of the organizational structure of Headspace, whereby several scenarios rises to the level of being an emergency that might affect the entire functioning of the organization (Jorm 2015). However, it must be noted that teams also require incorporating employees possessing skills and knowledge related to the current crisis further known as subject specific experts. Research one key network that exists between your organisation and anther agency in the community services sector. Explain the key purpose(s) of this network and how it helps the organisation to achieve its goals. Headspace however has been experiencing increasing pressure in order to collaborate and further provide services at the regional strata with fewer income and resources. The staffs has been performing with the young population in order to cooperate non government organization employees working with the youths who are experiencing complexities related to mental illness and disorders (Dowling 2014). The organization has gained the potentiality to provide constructive contribution to the community with effective assistance, guidance, knowledge and enthusiasm. Headspace has eventually become one of the organizations whereby people work with a passion and desire to reduce the distress, complexities of the individuals suffering from certain impairments (Rickwood et al.2015). The fundamental association to the community sector permits them to resolve issues that the administrative bodies are unable to address. The amalgamation with the governmental services is considered as one of the primar y achievement to the services of Headspace (Hickie, Scott and McGorry 2013). In absence of communitarian intervention and support, the association with its partners, clients as well as stakeholders the successive growth of Headspace would not have been possible. References Burns, J. and Birrell, E., 2014. Enhancing early engagement with mental health services by young people.Psychology research and behavior management,7, p.303. Coughlan, H., Cannon, M., Shiers, D., Power, P., Barry, C., Bates, T., Birchwood, M., Buckley, S., Chambers, D., Davidson, S. and Duffy, M., 2013. Towards a new paradigm of care: the International Declaration on Youth Mental Health.Early intervention in psychiatry,7(2), pp.103-108. Dowling, M., 2014.Young children's personal, social and emotional development. Sage. Montague, A.E., Varcin, K.J., Simmons, M.B. and Parker, A.G., 2015. Putting technology into youth mental health practice: young peoples perspectives.SAGE Open,5(2), p.2158244015581019. Rickwood, D.J., Mazzer, K.R. and Telford, N.R., 2015. Social influences on seeking help from mental health services, in-person and online, during adolescence and young adulthood.BMC psychiatry,15(1), p.40. Rickwood, D.J., Telford, N.R., Mazzer, K.R., Parker, A.G., Tanti, C.J. and McGorry, P.D., 2015. The services provided to young people through the headspace centres across Australia.The Medical Journal of Australia,202(10), pp.533-536. Rickwood, D.J., Telford, N.R., Parker, A.G., Tanti, C.J. and McGorry, P.D., 2014. HeadspaceAustralias innovation in youth mental health: who are the clients and why are they presenting.Med J Aust,200(2), pp.108-11. Jorm, A.F., 2015. How effective are" headspace'youth mental health services?. Hickie, I.B., Scott, J. and McGorry, P.D., 2013. Editorials.The Medical Journal of Australia,198(9), pp.461-462. Rosenbaum, S., Tiedemann, A., Stanton, R., Parker, A., Waterreus, A., Curtis, J. and Ward, P.B., 2016. Implementing evidence-based physical activity interventions for people with mental illness: an Australian perspective.Australasian Psychiatry,24(1), pp.49-54.
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